Once we have discovered a certain regularity, we try to recover this pattern elsewhere, everywhere. So our view on things changes, we see them with new eyes, in a new light. Thus many things may suddenly become clearer, finally making sense.
Yet it is just a matter of course that this cannot go on the same way forever. Time will come when we realize the boundedness of even the new view. Which then has become just this: one (no longer that new) view, just another way to look at things. Glasses that definitely should be taken off from time to time.
In principle knowledge is infinitely usable. It does not dissipate through its application. So its space is basically boundless. – On the other hand knowledge cannot be used but in some already existing space. Application is interaction with this context. And of course not all environments do fit equally well. Knowledge does not apply everywhere. So in this sense knowledge spaces very well have bounds.
But these bounds do not arise from the space itself. A certain way of seeing cannot see things unseeable to it. A limited knowledge does not know its limits. Knowing them is due to a new act of knowing.
Be that as it may, in general we are much more interested in the new wide perspective and the opening opportunities than in the narrowness of the old one. We hardly remember it once it is gone.
Although… where did it go? Does it still exist somewhere? And what about all these endless spaces? And the knowledge – left behind – as well as not yet gained…
Who cares?